Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What Passes Your Lips?

If you Google the phrase "what foods should I eat" you will get a wide variety of websites that list titles like "The Best Superfoods" or "The Top 15 Heart Healthy Foods" or "The 10 Healthiest Foods on the Planet".  Just ask an assortment of people how you should eat and you will be told various ideas such as; you should be vegan or vegetarian or eat a paleo diet or never touch sugar or avoid all white foods.  It can drive you crazy or become an obsession!  In my practice I have seen some patients become anxiety driven over what foods should pass their lips and what foods should not.  There are also patients that just throw their hands up in the air and give up trying to eat healthy while others make food their constant enemy.  I will never forget the patient that once told me that the only safe food to eat was tomatoes.

As a Registered Dietitian I can attest to the fact that it does help us stay healthy if we do eat a varied diet full of vegetables and fruit.  As a Christian I also can assure you that God is much more interested in what comes out of our mouth than what goes in.  Yes, we need to treat our bodies with care and honor but, as Christians, we need to put even more emphasis on what words come out of our mouth rather than focus on what goes in.  In Matthew 15:11 Jesus said, "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."  My focus in life needs to be on Christ first and to make certain my words are chosen carefully as they represent my heart and His.  I am God's ambassador here on this earth and I want to serve Him well.  Instead of being overly focused on the food going in my mouth I need to focus on the words coming out.  I have found that when I put Christ first in my heart and strive to please Him by my words and actions then the other areas of my life tend to come under His wonderful control.  Let's make certain we are keeping our tongue in check with God's word.  He will bring blessings in your life as you give Him control over your tongue!
Amy L. Stacy, MS, RD, CDE, CDN

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