Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How One Man Lost 72 Pounds, Strengthened His Relationship with God, and is Inspiring Others!



I always love seeing people take ownership over their health! It's uplifting, charging, motivating, and you can learn from them. That's why I'm sharing this story!

My eyes are drawn to anything fitness, so as I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, I saw my friend Lyle posting MapMyRun times and distances. Naturally, I clicked to see more. As I kept reading his updates over the next few weeks I kept seeing further distances and better times. Then I saw his family taking on "the fitness challenge," and taking ownership over their health too! I thought, "I have to chat with Lyle and his family about their journey and share it to inspire others!" Thankfully they were happy to oblige!

So, we set a date. After about 6 hours of visiting and chatting, here's his story:

Lyle's Story

After dealing with a gall bladder condition between Thanksgiving 2013 and the start of 2014, Lyle was back to enjoying food! It no longer hurt to eat! Then, in July 2014, his pastor gave a sermon 'Your Body is a Temple,' in which he shared the biblical view of health and how we are to honor God by being good stewards of the body He gave us. On July 29th, Lyle visited his doctor and found he was up to 293 pounds. That was the heaviest he had ever been and for the first time, his doctor prescribed cholesterol medications. God asked Lyle, 'If I call you to do something physically [like go on a mission trip], can you do it?' Lyle thought, 'no, not really.' Lyle said, "God was calling me out."

He also began to think, 'I'm 46, almost 300 pounds, and my dad died at 52.' Now, Lyle is not a man who believes in coincidence. Considering the fact that all of this happened in roughly the same year and the realization that he couldn't do what God may call him to do, Lyle knew something had to change. He replied to God saying, "I don't really want to change, but if You're calling me to change, I will." So, reluctantly, he took God's challenge!

How Lyle Did it!

Lyle was wise enough to know that it's not just about being physically active but also what you put in your mouth, so he started by keeping track of what he ate. Being a numbers person, he decided to start tracking using the "Lose It!" app. He now weighs his food with a digital food scale that you can get from Wegmans, Wal-Mart, or most other stores. Lyle says, "I'm not on a diet. It's just about watching what I put in as much as I can." When I was visiting with Lyle and his family, we enjoyed lean, tender pork chops with potatoes and veggies! Lyle even had his own sweet potatoes that he measured! Delish! Thanks again guys!

Even at restaurants, Lyle will say, "I don't mean to be a pain, but can you let me know what you're putting in it [his food]." He goes on to say, "I've learned to be more vocal," as he has noticed people are very accommodating. He's not afraid of what others think or say. He's taking ownership over his health and honoring God. That's what matters!

Lyle also finds healthy recipes, goes to the farmers market, and even enjoys local maple syrup ever now and then! As he has changed what he eats, his taste buds have followed suit. He doesn't have the same tolerance for fast food as before. Now he eats a few Christmas cookies or fast food and it feels like a brick in his stomach. After eating junk, he's tired and feels terrible. Now his goal is to "eat as natural as possible." The way God intends.

Some other benefits Lyle has noticed along the way is that you can eat a lot more healthy food for the same amount of calories as junk food. He says, "I've discovered I can have a big ol' bowl of fruit or a brownie, and the brownie still has more calories."

In addition to watching what he eats, Lyle began working in some simple exercise. He walked a few days a week! He got his target and simply walked there and back. After a while he thought, "let's see if I can go a little further," so he did. Over time Lyle walked further and further until one day he thought, "let's see if I can RUN!" Now, Lyle reminded me that a few years before, we had been discussing fitness and he told me, "I hate running. I'll never be a runner." Ya know... we're created in God's image. We have a sense of humor and so does God!

Lyle started to walk with spurts of running mixed in. Over time he began to run more and walk less until one day he got the sense that God was saying, "run until I say stop." So Lyle began to run. He ran to the end of the road and thought, "this should be long enough." But God thought otherwise. So Lyle kept running. Then he came to a familiar hill and said, "I'll run to the top of the hill then walk back." But God said, "keep running." Eventually, Lyle had run far beyond what he thought he was capable of running and God said, "walk."

In all of his time running, he was listening to music as he spent his time worshiping and being with God! Lyle's running started physically but now it has increased his time spent worshiping God, his time in the Word, and his entire mindset has changed! Because he listens to Toby Mac and worships while he's running, Lyle often ends up singing. Other runners have come up to him to ask, "what are you listening to?" Bam! Witnessing opportunity! Since starting running, Lyle has learned that the running community is quite friendly and supportive. He mentioned that when he ran his first half-marathon, runners who already finished would come back around to cheer on other runners!

Lyle finishing a half-marathon!

Over the course of six months Lyle has gone from running a 42 minute 5k to now running a 28 minute 5k on the treadmill! He mentioned that his best official 5k time is 33 minutes and 39 seconds. And he said he'd never be a runner!

Lyle has lost 72 pounds, he is off his cholesterol medication, and he has completely changed his outlook! He can now bend over and touch not only his toes but his palms to the floor. He has more energy than ever. He can hold a catcher's position again and play with his grandchildren. People he hasn't seen in a while say, "what happened to you?" He has discovered long lost friends (his toes and ribs), and he can now go down water slides without needing to use the 2 person tube! His life is changed! He now looks forward to reaching the 100 pounds lost mark while he and his family get healthier and grow closer to God!

10 Tips from Lyle and His Family 

    1. Break long-term goals into small increments. Take your time and enjoy the ride because there will be ups and downs.
    2. Budget calories and be aware of what's in food.
    3. If you don't want to walk or run, find another activity like cleaning or gardening. (From his wife Lisa who has lost over 20 pounds!)
    4. Fill up on your vegetables FIRST before eating the rest of your meal! (VF - "Veggies First")
    5. Don't listen to nay-sayers. People will tempt you. They will think "it's just a phase." Keep pushing and one day, inspire them!
    6. The best way to FAIL is to say, "I can never have [insert food here] again." Just have a couple Oreos instead of the whole package.
    7. Weigh yourself weekly, not daily, if the ups and downs mess with your head.
    8. Find support! It's easier when your spouse joins in (but don't force them).
    9. Stick with it! This is a new way of life and God is by your side!
    10. Experiment. Try different recipes and workouts. FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!

      As with our walk with God, fitness is a journey. There will be ups and downs but in the end you will never regret taking ownership over your health but you will always regret not doing it! It all starts with one step.

      In a later email, Lyle added:

      "On a personal note Chris, I have been spending a lot of time asking God “what is it that you are preparing me for that I need to be so fit for?” Over the last couple of weeks He has given me a peak into His plan (at least I think He has). While I have become healthier He has allowed me to inspire people and share this story with them. I have had people come to me and ask me to start praying for them to be able to overcome their obstacles. What He has shown me is that my weight was an obstacle I needed to overcome, and by relying on God to overcome that obstacle (because it is so Him and not me!!) He can use me as an example and as an individual to help others overcome whatever they may be going through. It has amazed me so much and brought tears to my eyes that He can now use me. It had more to do with being obedient to God and do what He has told me this has actually made me so much closer to Him and I am usable to Him now because of my reliance on Him so while this was about me becoming healthier physically it is actually more about me becoming healthier spiritually! Oh what a wonderful God we serve Chris!!"

      Will you take God's challenge?

      Love God, love people.

      - Chris

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