Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tips from the Fit: Just Do It!

Once you've been in your career for a while you start to notice similarities and you figure out what really matters, right? Over the years of being a trainer I've noticed some things. I've also interviewed many people who have made massive change in their lives and more importantly, have continued for years! Guess what. They have similarities in their stories. Similarities like telling themselves, "I'll start when..."

  • Life slows down
  • The kids go back to school
  • This project at work is done
  • Insert reason here

The Problem with "I'll start when..."

Life will not slow down. Kids will always need help with activities. There will always be projects at work. There will always be something competing for our time. Even if we have time, we're humans. It's in our nature to rationalize why we do or don't do things and give ourselves excuses. The problem is, in rationalizing and coming up with excuses (omitting legitimate reasons), we end up giving ourselves road blocks. We prevent ourselves from moving forward. It's kind of silly, isn't it? 

The Solution

I don't want to stress you any more then you may be. In fact, I want to help you get rid of stress and start making progress, but that requires the reality check above. 

So what how do you fix things? Do what you can do, now. Don't worry about doing what is the "most efficient" or the "most effective." Whatever you can do now and keep doing is what will be most effective for you. That is what will get you results. "But I can only exercise 10 minutes a day!" Awesome! Do 10 minutes. Once you're used to that add 5 minutes. Once you start feeling better, maybe you notice a way you can restructure your day so you can actually do 30 minutes. Then you realize that you can take a commitment off your plate. Boom! you're up to 45 minutes a day and loving it! You get to unwind and get rid of some stress for 45 minutes every day!

"I want to get my nutrition on track but I don't have time to prep all my food." Great! Buy a bag a pre-cut baby carrots or any other pre-washed vegetable and start eating a handful at most meals. Once you're use to that, add a palm of lean protein. Then make your carbohydrate source a cupped hand worth of complex carbs like whole grains or rice or fruit. In a few months, you're eating better than you ever have! You're even eating better than your trainer! You have so much energy that your kids are tired before you!

The Gist

So, we know that life will not ever slow down and if we keep coming up with excuses, we may never get in shape. We've also learned that the most effective plan is to do what we can do now and build on that. No waiting until Monday. No waiting until tomorrow. It's now or never. It's time to take control. The ball is in your court!

To Do

To help you get going today, here is a list of habits, pick one and get practicing.

  1. Eat at least 1 fist of vegetables at most meals (as in 3 out of 4 meals or so).
  2. Eat about 1 palm of lean protein, size and thickness, at most meals. Think 95% lean meats, greek yogurt, and so on.
  3. Eat about 1 cupped hand of complex carbs like whole grains and rice or simple, natural carbs like fruit.
  4. Eat about 1 thumb of healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, and so on.
  5. Drink a nice big glass of a low calorie drink (shoot for 25 calories or less) 
  6. Sleep at least 8 hours per day (don't underestimate this one!)   
* Men - use your hands to measure but use 2 fists for veggies, 2 palms for lean protein, 2 cupped hands for carbs, and 2 thumbs for healthy fats. Not that men need twice the amount of food, but that's a good starting place for most men.

A Simple 10 Minute Circuit:

  1. Squat (if you know me, you already knew this would be the first exercise) - Grab a chair or low stool. While keeping your knees out away from each other like there is a stick preventing them from failing inward, sit down and stand up.
  2. Push Ups - Start on your knees while balancing your weight on your hands. Lower your chest as close to the floor as you can, then press back up.
  3. Crunches - Lay on your back with feet flat on the floor and bent knees. Reach up toward the ceiling while lifting your shoulders off the floor.
  4. Cobras - Lay on your stomach with arms down by your sides. Raise your chest, arms, and feet up toward the ceiling.  

Do 2-5 rounds:

  1. Squat 10 reps
  2. Push Ups 10 reps
  3. Crunches 20 reps
  4. Cobras 20 reps  

So on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, perform the above circuit and practice whatever eating habit you chose daily. Next week or next month, add one round to that circuit and one more eating habit.

That's it! Done.      

Again, don't wait! One week turns into one month which turns into years and eventually decades. Start with what you can handle and progress from there.

Likewise, don't wait to pray, invest, and invite. Start praying for those around you and that God would open their heart to Him and to you discussing God with them. Then invest time with them while showing them God's love. At God's nudge, invite them to church. As with fitness, be patient.

" Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

Love God, love people.


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