Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Real Christmas Story

Have you ever wondered what we're really celebrating when we celebrate Christmas? Is it Santa? Nope. Is it warm, fuzzy feelings? Keep guessing.

Christmas = "Christ" + "Mas"

Christmas comes from the Old English "Cristes" + "Moesse." More commonly, "Christ" + "mass." This "mass" is the mass we think of when we think of the Catholic Mass. It means holy communion. Communion is remembering and acknowledging Christ's sacrifice for us. 

Christmas is remembering and celebrating why Christ came!

We have watered down the meaning of just about everything, especially Christmas. We've even watered down Santa who was originally Saint Nicholas, a Christian who knew the real meaning of Christmas. Let's remember the greatest love story ever!

So, What Is The Real Christmas Story?

Aside from the actual logistics of the nativity story, the main purpose of Christmas is to remember how God gave us a way to restore the relationship we messed up. 

1.) The Garden of Eden

Yes, I went that far back because that's where the story starts. In the garden everything was perfect. We had a perfect relationship with God. We didn't even have to workout because we had perfect bodies that never aged! How awesome is that?! 

Then, Eve AND Adam chose to disobey God. Since God is holy and He protects His holiness, our sinful selves were no longer allowed to be with Him in the garden. Check out Genesis 3.

2.) The Standard

Can a perfect Heaven and a perfect, holy God have imperfection? No. The standard to be with God in Heaven is perfection according to His standard (check out Deuteronomy and other books of the law). There's only one Who has ever met this standard. I know it's not me! I struggle resisting too many Christmas cookies let alone avoiding sin! Mmmmmm... cookies....

3.) A Sinful People

"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." (Romans 3:23 NIV). We have all broken His law, His standard of perfection. Because of this, we cannot join God in His perfect Heaven under our own strength.

4.) Sacrifice

"For the wages of sin is death..." (Romans 6:23 NIV) Hence, we gave sacrifices in the Old Testament.

5.) One Final Sacrifice For All

So, because we are imperfect, sinful people and the wages of sin is death, someone has to pay the price. That's exactly why God sent Jesus. One sacrifice for all.

Jesus was perfect therefore, when He died, He wasn't paying for His sins, He was paying for all of ours! If He sinned, His death would only pay for His sin, not ours! Knowledge bomb!

"'He himself bore our sins' in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; 'by His wounds you have been healed.'" (1 Peter 2:24 NIV)

So this Christmas, remember why Jesus came. He came to take our place. Instead of us on death row paying for our own sins, it was Him. All so the relationship between us and God could be restored. You have a way to avoid Hell and be with God in His perfect Heaven. It's your choice.

Now go enjoy your cookies, friends, and family and share the REAL Christmas story! 

God bless and Merry Christmas!


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