Tuesday, December 30, 2014

5 Fun Ways to Burn Those Christmas Calories


Now that Christmas has come and gone, what are some fun ways to be active and burn those Christmas calories?

1.) Sledding

 Simple, kids and adults can have fun, and all that walking up hill can burn about 400 kcals (calories) per hour! Just watch out for those bumps!

2.) Family Game Night 

This one can go along with sledding. With time off from work, instead of telling your kids to go outside and play, go outside and play with them! Build a snowman, have a snowball fight, or go sledding!

Snow angels are like jumping jacks only laying down!

3.) Cross Country Skiing

If you like nature, cross country skiing on a nice sunny day is an AWESOME way to honor God with some cardio while worshiping Him and enjoying His creation! It's like winter hiking! Not to mention, because cross country skiing uses every muscle in your body, you burn tons of calories; more than you may think. It also makes for fantastic aerobic training! High level cross country skiers have some of the highest VO2 Max (a measure of aerobic fitness) readings of ANY athlete!

4.) Skiing or Snowboarding

If you're like me, and you like to go fast, skiing or snowboarding is a great way to stay active through the northern winter months! You can rent some equipment and a day pass for around $100. If you find that you enjoy it, buy some of your own equipment for next year! If not, find another activity that you enjoy.

5.) Indoor Activities

If you don't like the cold, stay indoors. There are many indoor sports leagues that you can join. Not into sports? Go for a swim at the gym. Try a new class. Learn to salsa dance! When you boogie, you can burn around 200 kcals per hour!

6.) Any Activity You Enjoy!

While I always encourage an organized, progressive exercise program (especially for resistance training), there is HUGE benefit to just getting out and being active! So this winter, get out and play! Find an activity that you enjoy and rock it!

Whatever you do, be active and be safe! And remember, the holidays are only a few days out of 365. It's what you do those other 360 days that counts.

Love God, love people!

- Chris

1 - "Walk / Run Metabolic Calculator." Walk / Run Metabolic Calculator. Web. 30 Dec. 2014. <http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/WalkRunMETs.html>.

2 - Tate, By. "How Many Calories Am I Burning? (Infographic)." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 17 Oct. 2013. Web. 30 Dec. 2014. <http://www.livescience.com/40524-how-many-calories-am-i-burning-infographic.html>. (Via American College of Sports Medicine)

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