Sunday, March 29, 2015

Patiently Waiting on the Lord

"But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...." 
Isaiah 40:31 

Our culture daily feeds into our tendency to be impatient.  When we have to wait for our computer to boot up and it takes more than 30 seconds we get frustrated.  When someone doesn't respond right away to a text message we sent it can make us anxious.  When food doesn't heat up fast enough in the microwave it makes us mad.  We want things to happen immediately because we really don't want to wait.  Even fast food restaurants aren't fast enough-we want those double lane take out windows so we can get our food faster! At most check out lines you will see magazines touting the newest weight loss scheme that will help you lose 20# in 2 weeks.  Personally I would like to be able to lose 20# overnight!  Healthy eating and weight loss take time unlike many weight loss schemes suggest.  It takes determination, patience and perseverance.  For some of us it is a lifetime battle with some wins and some losses (no pun intended!).  

As Christians we are called on to "wait on the Lord", NOT wait on the right job, the right weight, the right person, the right situation. No matter what area in your life you want to improve make sure you first wait on the Lord.  Kneel before His throne, rest in His love, fill your mind with His words, focus on His truths.  God promises that when we wait on Him He will give us strength, His strength to handle whatever situation we are in.  It takes a daily effort to keep your focus on the Lord not on people, things or goals.  As we wait on Him only He will provide for our every need.  May God give each of us the strength to wait on Him. 

Amy L. Stacy, MS, RD, CDE, CDN

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