Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Key to Avoid Being Mislead

"My people perish for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6 NIV)

It's spring break, so what do I do? Read, of course! While I was reading I came across an article on a news network that discussed nutrition myths. One title that caught my attention was "Myth: 'Cutting Calories to Lose Weight.'" Catchy title, right? Does it make you think calories don't matter? 

The article went on to say that COUNTING calories ignores hunger signals and the dietitian prefers a more holistic approach. This article said that it's more important to focus on why and how to eat as opposed to what.


1.) What you eat is still very important. Certain combinations of sugar, fat, and salt delay your "off" switch so you end up eating more than you actually needed. Not to mention, fruits and vegetables are still king. (Genesis 1:29)

2.) Some people have hormone imbalances that affect their hunger signals.

3.) Many individuals prefer tracking nutrition and this approach works better for them. Others do very well with a more holistic approach.

4.) This article has a misleading title. A calorie deficit is still needed to lose weight. That's physics.

The Gist

All of this to say, be careful what you read. Media is a business. Catchy titles and controversial topics bring more readers. More readers, more advertising income. I'm grateful that news networks bring in industry professionals, however, some things still slip through editing and the meaning of articles can be misconstrued, leading people down a misinformed path. This is why knowledge is so important. If we understand the principles that get results, we can stay on the straight and narrow and avoid pit-falls. Knowledge is key!

Love God, love people.

-Chris Finley, ACSM CPT

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