Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Spirit of Power - Use It

It's amazing what God will do with just a little obedience and time with Him.

When reading Genesis 4 and sipping my coffee this morning, a particular verse struck me. In verse 7, the Lord says, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it."

Isn't that striking?! We must rule over our sin!

How many times have you started out on your fitness journey, so to speak, just to be tempted by that ooie, gooie, triple chocolate, sugar-coma-inducing, brownie of deliciousness? Or, for those of us who like salty-savory foods, that fatty ribeye steak with gooie, triple-bypass loaded fries. You're intentions are good. But there's just something about that stinkin' brownie (or fries)! The next thing you know, it's gone!

Well I've got some news for you! "...the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7)
You have all the power you need over that brownie. And honestly, are you going to let a brownie control you!? That just sounds funny saying it, doesn't it?

The point is, even though we may go through struggles, God has given us a Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline... His Spirit!

To Do

1.) Spend some one-on-one time with God daily. Studying His word, praying and worshiping while you go on a walk and admire His creation... whatever one-on-one time with Him is most productive for you. This will keep you strong and, after all He does for us, doesn't He deserve some one-on-one time?

2.) Control your environment! This is HUGE! "Out of sight, out of mind," is very true. Put the veggies and fruits in front and eye level in the fridge and hide the junk. Surround yourself with disciplined individuals. Craft your environment to make it easier for you to succeed!

3.) Use the support of willing friends and family, preferably someone who is going down a similar road and will hold you accountable through the tough stuff. Again, surround yourself with strong, disciplined individuals and, without much effort, they will rub off on you and you will grow stronger! Don't forget to support them when they need you!

Take today and everyday "by the horns" from now on. You are a child of the living God! Act like it!

I love (agape) you all. That's why I will continue to deliver hard messages amongst applicable, productive knowledge and wisdom. It will always be from a loving and encouraging heart so we can get better together!

Love God, love people.


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