Friday, July 17, 2015

Let's Welcome Bohdan Krop (Bo) to the FitChurch Family!

Bo is personal trainer and group fitness instructor in the Canandaigua area. He works full-time with
his wife, Tanya, for their Christian, family-owned business—BOTA FITNESS.

Growing up in a Christian home as the first born son of eight children, Bo developed a love for the Lord as a small child. He came to believe that God speaks to us in His word regarding all the facets of life (our health and fitness included). Therefore, he truly believes that a “health” approach that leaves God out of the picture is bound to ultimately fail!

With over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, Bo is truly a transformation expert! Having struggled with his weight and health for most of his childhood as well as early adult life, Bo really understands the difficulties and obstacles one faces when trying to lose weight, get fit, and become healthy. Subsequently he has a very real passion to help others overcome similar struggles. Because he discovered that scripture contained the truth he needed to achieve his own health transformation, he loves to write and talk about health and weight loss from a Biblical perspective. In fact, he has already presented to several congregations a message he prepared entitled: “Designed to Be Light/Lite: The Biblical Perspective on Health and Weight Loss.” His personal discoveries in this realm have not only helped him to achieve a fit and healthy weight, but has enabled him to assist hundreds of people in the Finger Lakes region in doing so as well!!

Bo is not only an accredited Personal Trainer through the International Sports Science Association (ISSA), but a father of six home-schooled children, French and Indian War Reenactor, and a competitive knife and tomahawk thrower! He has also competed professionally as Men’s physique contestant—placing third in his first ever fitness competition. If fat loss, knowledge of healthy eating, and learning how to exercise safely and effectively are your personal goals, BO KNOWS!

What clients report loving most about Bo, however, is not just his head knowledge, but where his heart is. He truly cares about those he serves! Bo considers each and every person he works with as part of his extended family, not a dollar sign. Developing a close and trusting relationship is just as important, he claims, as nutrition and exercise...if not more so! Trust, Bo says, is developed not only through a Trainer’s knowledge, but his/her:

T – Timeliness

R - Rapport

U - Understanding

S - Support

T – Truthfulness

Each and every client deserves all of the above! If they do not receive it, they shouldn’t pay a dime!

Welcome to the family Bo!

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