Friday, July 17, 2015

Let's Welcome Bohdan Krop (Bo) to the FitChurch Family!

Bo is personal trainer and group fitness instructor in the Canandaigua area. He works full-time with
his wife, Tanya, for their Christian, family-owned business—BOTA FITNESS.

Growing up in a Christian home as the first born son of eight children, Bo developed a love for the Lord as a small child. He came to believe that God speaks to us in His word regarding all the facets of life (our health and fitness included). Therefore, he truly believes that a “health” approach that leaves God out of the picture is bound to ultimately fail!

With over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, Bo is truly a transformation expert! Having struggled with his weight and health for most of his childhood as well as early adult life, Bo really understands the difficulties and obstacles one faces when trying to lose weight, get fit, and become healthy. Subsequently he has a very real passion to help others overcome similar struggles. Because he discovered that scripture contained the truth he needed to achieve his own health transformation, he loves to write and talk about health and weight loss from a Biblical perspective. In fact, he has already presented to several congregations a message he prepared entitled: “Designed to Be Light/Lite: The Biblical Perspective on Health and Weight Loss.” His personal discoveries in this realm have not only helped him to achieve a fit and healthy weight, but has enabled him to assist hundreds of people in the Finger Lakes region in doing so as well!!

Bo is not only an accredited Personal Trainer through the International Sports Science Association (ISSA), but a father of six home-schooled children, French and Indian War Reenactor, and a competitive knife and tomahawk thrower! He has also competed professionally as Men’s physique contestant—placing third in his first ever fitness competition. If fat loss, knowledge of healthy eating, and learning how to exercise safely and effectively are your personal goals, BO KNOWS!

What clients report loving most about Bo, however, is not just his head knowledge, but where his heart is. He truly cares about those he serves! Bo considers each and every person he works with as part of his extended family, not a dollar sign. Developing a close and trusting relationship is just as important, he claims, as nutrition and exercise...if not more so! Trust, Bo says, is developed not only through a Trainer’s knowledge, but his/her:

T – Timeliness

R - Rapport

U - Understanding

S - Support

T – Truthfulness

Each and every client deserves all of the above! If they do not receive it, they shouldn’t pay a dime!

Welcome to the family Bo!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Health Club Employee Stops Going to Work After Two Weeks... (and what it has to do with your health)

... That was the title of a "news article" I recently read on "theOnion." For those who don't know, "theOnion" is a pseudo news website that posts funny, fake news articles.

The story started with Lazar, a newly hired front desk receptionist at her local health club. She started this job so she could save money to reduce her debt. After a while she became bored and discontent. "'It's just the same mindless motions over and over,' Lazar said. 'I can do this stuff at home without having to drive 25 minutes out of my way.'"

To make a medium-length story short, Lazar quit when she wasn't seeing her bank account explode after doing the "same mindless motions over and over."

See the full story HERE.

Lazar's story is an analogous to our fitness journey. Her debt is our fat stores. Her job is our gym membership and hopefully our use of said membership. The mundane tasks she does at work are our exercises. Her story of growing debt over years of carefree living followed by struggle to rid herself of said debt is our decades of building poor habits that lead to years of gaining fat followed by our expecting to rid ourselves of the habits and fat in a few months or even a year. 

The reality is, much the same as ridding ourselves of debt and building wealth taking years and even decades, it takes months to lay a fitness foundation followed by years of follow through to see massive change that lasts, right?

This is omitting the year-long transformations where someone loses over 100 pounds and completely changes their life. The reality is, those transformations come from a profound challenge of thinking leading to a 180 degree shift in behavior and an all-in mentality which is then followed by the 100 pound lose of excess weight. But is that the norm? Is that what it takes?

Not necessarily. While that is what we see from the fitness industry because that is the marketing that gets people moving, or so we think, it is not the norm for actual change in someone's life. In reality, I see and help people, more often than not, start with just 30 minutes a day of exercise be it walking, lifting weights, stretching, etcetera. After a few weeks of getting used to the exercise, we start adding little changes in nutrition like eating a fist of vegetables at each meal. Then we add a palm of lean protein, sleeping at least 8 hours a night, and so on.

The norm is first doing a few weeks of work where you feel accomplished and sore but don't notice much change in your body. This is followed by months of gradually dropping fat and gaining strength that leads to firmer muscles, more energy, and often less aches and pains. This is followed by blood marker improvements such as lower blood sugar, a rise in HDL and a drop in LDL, and so on. This is followed by years of exploring new fitness ventures while continuing basic strength training and cardio. After a while, people start asking what you've been doing. You have now lost 30, 40, 50, even 100 pounds over the years but you don't feel like you really changed all that much until you look in retrospect to see that you have. The thing is, it happened over time and now it's just what you do.

That is real fitness change. Not that transformations don't happen rapidly and that some don't stick. There are people who do very well with those transformations but in my years of being a trainer and being in the fitness world, I can say with confidence that that is NOT the norm. In fact, it often leads to frustration for those who try to chase that dream. 

What God has been showing me over the years is that change happens just like the tortoise, slow and steady. Wealth is built over years and decades. Our spiritual growth happens over years of exploring and learning from God's word while discussing and sharing our faith with others. We get fit over years of progressively getting stronger while building better habits in nutrition, sleep, and exercise. 

The Gist

Take your time, enjoy the ride, and results will come in fitness and in your walk with God. There will be times when exercise is mundane and boring. Sometimes we need to just keep on keeping on and other times freshen in up. If you've been doing sets of 12 reps, drop to sets of 8 and add weight. If you've been doing then same squat for months, pick a new squat (check out The Essential 7 Exercises for guidance on exercise selection). Much like they said in the article on theOnion, the secret to success is just showing up.

To Do

1.) Work up to eating like this 3-4 times per day:

          1-2 fist of veggies
          1-2 palm of lean protein
          1-2 cupped hand of carbs (whole grain or fruit)
          1-2 thumb of fat
          A low calorie drink
          Eating until 80% full or content

2.)  Do some exercise 30 minutes every day. A week might look like this:

          Monday - Weight lifting circuit of squats, bench press, and rows
          Tuesday - A 30 minute walk/jog with a friend
          Wednesday - 30 minutes of frisbee, stretching, zumba, something fun!
          Thursday - Weight lifting circuit of deadlifts or lunges, shoulder presses, and lat pulldowns
          Friday - A 30 minute swim with a friend
          Saturday - 30 minutes of play!
          Sunday - Another 30 minutes of play or stretching and big belly breaths

3.) Most importantly, explore God's word and discuss your faith daily! Notice, I did NOT say READ. If you are simply reading the Bible just to put a check mark saying that you did it, you will probably be disappointed with how close you are or are not to God. View it as exploration! Much like when you were first dating or you just discovered a new passion/hobby, explore and learn! Pray! Invite friends to church! Find a Christian group to meet with and discuss! Have fun and love God!

Educate. Encourage.

- Chris Finley

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Culture of One Road Church and FitChurch (an important read)

Over the last few years, we at One Road Church have been changing our culture. We are a church focused on the two greatest commandments and the great commission.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”  
Mark 12:30-31

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 
 Matthew 28:16-20

Hence, our tagline "Love. More. Better." Broken down we mean, love God and love people, build up more Christ followers and better Christ followers.

Keeping a simple reminder of our core mission that is repeated helps instill in us the right culture that keeps us focused.

Likewise, throughout my fitness career I have seen two primary themes that lead to a lack of results.

1.) Lack of Education

"my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children." Hosea 4:6

This is HUGE! There are so many myths flying around regarding God and fitness that side track people all the time. This is due to a lack of education. If you understand core principles of exercise/nutrition science you can quickly spot gimmicks and myths. When you are educated, you stay focused on the principles that get results and not plans that may or may not follow actual science. You major in the major things and not the minutea that drags people down so often.

The same goes for sound doctrine and theology. When you study and grow closer to God, you begin to see the world and what's happening as Christ sees it. You avoid iffy doctrine and false teachings and can help others stay on track. When you are educated, you make progress and stay focused on what matters. This is why we at FitChurch emphasize education. Let's fight ignorance!

2.) Lack of Encouragement

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
Thessalonians 5:11

Part of Christianity is fellowship. We are called to encourage each other and keep each other accountable and focused. In fitness, the plans that work best have support systems in place for when the road gets rough; not IF but WHEN the road gets rough. Just like in our Christian walk, there will be obstacles on our road. When those obstacles come, we need support and accountability to keep us on track. This is why we at FitChurch emphasize encouragement.

So, in addition to our "Love. More. Better." mission as Christians, we will also "Educate and Encourage." "E squared" if you will.

Educate and Encourage,

Chris Finley