Monday, October 13, 2014

How Long Will It Take For Me To Get Fit?

That is a GREAT question and one that I get asked often!

With all the "6 week transformations" and "30 Day Challenges" out there, it's tough to know what to expect.

Is A Fast Transformation Possible?

In short, yes. It does depend on your definition of "transformation." If you mean lose 18 pounds in 6 weeks, then yes. Is it all from fat? Probably not. Is it realistic for you? That depends on how much time and effort you have to invest.


What Can I Actually Expect? (What's typical)

In my experience as a trainer and from what I hear consistently from more experienced trainers, here's what you can expect for "realz" :

What to expect
First 3-4 weeks Sore and maybe slightly tired. Sense of accomplishment
After 3 months Noticeable change (10-30 pounds down), increased strength and stamina
After 6 months Very noticeable change (25 pounds lost or more)
After 1 year Transformation (30-100 pounds), substantial increase in strength and stamina
After many years A new life!

As you can see, the first month is really just investing in your health. Investments take time to see the benefits.

Why Does it Take so Long?


The reason it takes time to see results is, your body is actually changing. Your cells are physically changing. Entire systems are being transformed as soon as you start exercising. We just don't see the results because it takes a few weeks for the thousands and thousands of processes that are changing to start taking effect.

You don't start to truly gain energy from aerobic training until your first month has come and gone because that's how long it takes to actually build new structures and change your chemistry so your body can actually start producing more energy. The AWESOME fact of the matter is though, that once you have made these changes, your body literally starts producing MORE ENERGY! You become a better fat burning machine so you can BURN FAT 24/7!

Strength also takes time. When we lift weight or do any resistance training (i.e. band tension, weights, bodyweight, swimming pool exercises), we are actually causing minor damage to our muscles and putting stress on them so they build back stronger, more toned, and more efficient so we can DO MORE and NOT FATIGUE!

The Gist

Regardless of what the rate of progress may seem, in your body it's like New York City on steroids! There's a lot of hustle and bustle, but at a microscopic level. It takes time to see results from what has been going on the moment you started exercising.

Your results and the speed at which you achieve those results is directly linked to the amount of effort you put in and WHERE you put that effort. If you're trying to drop some pounds, nutrition will give you the biggest bang for your buck!

Whatever road you decide to take and whatever speed you decide to take it, ENJOY THE RIDE! You what YOU can do and don't worry about what other people are doing or what is "in vogue." Most things in fitness are just dust in the wind. What we teach at FitChurch is real, solid, scientific, and Biblical. It works time and time again. So stay connected, learn, stay encouraged, and get fit spiritually, mentally, and physically.

"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Romans 5:3-4 NIV)

"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." (Proverbs 21:5 NIV) 

Love God, love people.


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