Saturday, September 13, 2014

What Should My Heart Rate Be During Cardio?

That is a great question!

To start off, let's lay some ground work first. We know we need both muscular workouts and cardiovascular workouts to get the best results, right? Without muscular workouts we don't gain strength and we don't maintain or improve our muscular health, joint health, shape, and toning. Without cardio, we reduce our energy capability throughout the day, and we gain fat more easily; not to mention our heart, lungs, and blood vessel health!

Okay, we have that done. So now let's address the question, what should my heart rate be during a cardio workout? Well, there are multiple answers.

I say there are multiple answer because it depends on your goals. Are you just trying to get fit? Are you training for a marathon? Or are you a bodybuilder trying to get rid of every ounce of fat while maintaining as much muscle as possible? I doesn't make sense to lay a blanket prescription for everyone regardless of their goals (i.e. be careful what advice you take, especially from the media).

For our purposes, let's say Joe is looking to get fit and drop about 30 pounds. Since Joe is not looking to be a sprinter, he's not going to do lots of speed or interval cardio. And since he's not looking to run a marathon or go up on a bodybuilding stage, Joe isn't going to do hours on end of cardio.

2 Main Types of Cardio

There are 2 main types of cardio:

1.) Steady State - think going for a jog
2.) Interval Training - think sprints or bursts of very intense activity

Steady State

Today, let's just focus on steady state. This is when we go for a jog or a nice bike ride through the woods to grandmother's house. The intensity (how hard it is) is pretty much the same throughout the workout. This type of cardio is typically done for longer periods of time say 30 minutes or longer.

For Who?

Both types of cardio should be done for just about everyone in just about every goal. However, the amount of each will change.

Steady State cardio is GREAT for someone looking to improve their stamina, lose weight, and just plain be healthy. 


Steady State cardio will:

- Improve stamina
- Help burn calories
- Make you a fat burning machine
- Improve heart health
- Reduce risk of many diseases
- Helps you relax and relieve stress

Ya, ya... So What Should My Heart Rate Be?

For steady state cardio, the goal is to get your heart rate between 50 and 85 percent of your max heart rate. (1) 

Take 220 - your age = Max Heart Rate

Then, Max Heart Rate x 0.5 = 50% and Max Heart Rate x 0.85 = 85%


Joe is 40 years old so:

220 - 40 = 180 beats per min is Joe's max heart rate

180 x 0.5 = 90

180 x 0.85 = 153

So, when going for a jog, Joe wants to keep his heart rate between 90 and 153 beats per minute to get the benefits of steady state cardio.

How Long?

To really get the benefits of cardio workouts, do at least 20 minutes. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends 20-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day. (2)

20 minutes is the minimum to actually get your cells to change and make you a better fat burning machine. More on this in another article (hint, hint, "Becoming a Fat Burning Machine")

This may be the "minimum" but the point is to start where you are comfortable and slowly progress over time. You will still get MAJOR benefits from going for a brief walk. 

To Do:

Work up to a 20-60 minute walk or jog at least 3 times per week. Have fun with it! Play tag with your kids, just make sure you warm up with a 10 minute walk and stretches first. As we age we need to prepare for activity. Oh the joys of age :)

Do whatever is fun and gets your heart rate up between 50% - 85% for however long you can and simply increase a few minutes each time.

Do you have questions related to fitness and Christianity? Just ask and keep in touch on the FitChurch Facebook page!

Love God, love people!


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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Leading Healthy Kids and What to Do When "There's Just Not Enough Time"

One morning a few weeks ago I turned on the TV to watch FOX News. What caught my attention was the topic they were discussing - childhood obesity.

A few things they covered included, government plans for toy robots that encourage kids to be healthy. How can parents help? Is it society's responsibility? And so on.

First, it is not society's responsibility. Second, I really don't think toy robots are going to fix the root cause, but I like the imagination. And yes, it is the parents' responsibility - your kids see what you do and follow.

So what do we do? Simple. Be healthy. Set the example for the next generation. Kids will do what their parents DO. You can have a huge impact on the betterment of the next generations. And it all starts at home. Your are the leader.

After discussing robots, one of the anchors mentioned a lack of time... As you can guess, there's some tough love coming. Keep in mind it's just that... LOVE. My pastor says, "those who love you the most will tell you the most truth." So here it is...

There is no less time than there was before. Everyone has 24 hours in the day. The apparent "lack of time" is really a lack of priorities and/or trying to do too much. If there's too much going on in your life, what can you eliminate that isn't as important? What is not helping you reach your goals? If you can't think of anything, keep thinking. Pray about it. Ask God, "what do You want for my life and from my life?"

After praying and finding what God has planned for you, eliminate everything that doesn't help you reach those goals. Want to be healthy? Learn basic nutrition, get a mentor, eat a cup of vegetables at every meal, and reduce intake of junk. Soon after, start a progressive exercise routine. Not enough time? Eliminate something less important. Waking up early and exercising is a GREAT way to start your day. Doing so helps you set the tone for your day. You start on the right foot. You can do some cardio while listening to your audio Bible and spending time with God. Plus, it will be out of the way for the rest your day! Do to list number 1, checked off!

If you "can't" find enough time to treat the body God gave you with respect and be a good example for those around you, I'm going to lovingly challenge your commitment to being healthy. If you are truly committed and just need help, find a mentor and surround yourself with godly people who are where you want to be - that's a whole article in itself! Hint hint ;)

I'm not saying to only focus on goals and not live life and connect with those around you. God wants us to connect and live life together. I'm saying, do you really need to watch two hours of tv when you could be playing with your kids in the park or even watching tv on a treadmill at the gym?

Find time-wasters and ruthlessly eliminate them. Say "no" to them. "No" can be, and often is, a good word.

For those times when you just don't have much time


I do realize that there will be times when there's a lot on your plate. To help, I want to give you a quick workout that you can do anywhere, anytime!

After a thorough 5-10 minute warm up, perform 1-3 rounds, 1 minute per exercise:

1.) Squat
2.) Push Ups
3.) Shoulder Ys
4.) Cobras
5.) V Ups
6.) Jumping Jacks

The whole workout should take 11 - 30 minutes depending on how much you rest between rounds and how many rounds you do.

Don't forget, while I encourage to always keep some sort of progressive and structured workout plan, simple things like parking further away from the grocery store entrance or standing instead of sitting can add up to BIG  benefits!

Lessons Learned

1.) We are all leading someone in someway.
2.) Prioritize our health and treat our bodies like the temple they are and let nothing stop us.
3.) Through thick and thin, we must lean on God and support system (friends and family who are along the same thinking of getting fit), and do what you can do. Don't forget to praise God in good times as well!

"Every decision you make either brings you closer to your goals or further away."

It's up to you. You can do it!

Love God, love people.
