Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Beginnings of Something Great!

Hello there, and welcome to the first ORC FitChurch blog post. Let's jump in!

A few days ago I was struggle to think of something to write as the first post for ORC FitChurch, so I simply closed my laptop. And I'm glad I did! A day later I was spending some quiet time with God and, as it usually happens when you invest time into your relationship with God, He gave me what to say.

After studying some of Charles Stanley's "Success God's Way" - a book that I highly recommend to everyone - I started praying and asking God to fill me and help me keep investing time with Him daily so I can overflow with His love and pour Love out to those around me.

Then it hit me! That is exactly what ORC FitChurch needs to challenge Christians to do! Stay full so we can fill those around us! We need to study God's word, study about health and fitness, invest time into our health and fitness, work little by little to improve our nutrition. To honor God by being good stewards of God's temple that is our body. We have to stay away from all sin, especially those sins that disgrace and damage our bodies and ourselves as we are extensions of Christ's body (1 Corinthians 6:12-20).

We must continually draw from the never ending well that is God, and continually improve little by little, learning more and more, practicing better and better in our spiritual lives, our mental lives, and taking care of our bodies all so we can share God's love/Love (Christ) with everyone we meet!

Quite simply, we do all this so we can fulfill God's will, the great commission - more Christians, better Christians (Matthew 28:16-20).

That is what ORC FitChurch is truly about. We just chose to use fitness as the medium in which we carry out God's will.

I pray that you join me on this journey that God has for us and watch with me as He reveals His vision for this ministry. This is so exciting! :)

God bless,

Chris Finley